
If you would like to contact the Leader of this subject/area please do not hesitate to contact school on 01740 630270 or email williamcassidi@sbcschools.org.uk.

English: Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation


Subject intent:

At William Cassidi C. E. Aided Primary School we aim to promote the highest standards of English and clear communication. As such spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation play a vital part within written communication. By teaching our children the relationships between sounds and letters (phonics) and understanding the morphology (word structure), orthography (spelling structure) and etymology (origin) of words they will be able to spell quickly and accurately, and develop an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. These elements will be taught in a structured way using correct terminology during English lessons and deployed across all areas of the curriculum giving opportunities to practice skills which are integrated into all learning. We all consider the development of vocabulary as key, widening understanding and allowing expression and creativity to be fostered. Initially, children will listen to stories, poems and non-fiction absorbing structure and vocabulary, as they progress new skills and structures will be introduced and consolidated so that by the time children leave our school they are able to understand and communicate inappropriate, clear and structured ways.


Early Years


 In Nursery and Reception, our curriculum is based on the EYFS framework document and 'Development Matters’. It is taught through topics, which are adapted and developed to suit children’s interests. For Nursery children, we have identified key skills in each area for us to focus on, whilst in Reception we have identified skills to teach and develop during each half-term to progress towards meeting the Early Learning Goals.

English aligns most closely with the EYFS areas of:

Communication and Language


In Reception, phonics is taught through the Success For All scheme. Nursery children follow the First Steps to Phonics scheme.