Nursery Classroom

Welcome to Nursery


Welcome to our Nursery class. Here, we offer children many opportunities to learn, through exploration and play, about animals and their habitats, the seasons, roles in the community and the world around them.


Miss Connor is the class teacher in Nursery, who enjoys developing the children’s interests into fun and engaging activities to help them move towards their goals. She is the music lead within school and loves to play different genres of music in the classroom, sing new and familiar songs and provide a range of instruments for children to explore their sounds. When she is not in school, Miss Connor likes to travel and explore different countries, learning about their history and culture. She enjoys being outdoors, spending many weekends hiking in the lake district or walking Hadrian’s Wall and the Cleveland Way.


Mrs Wright is the teaching assistant in Nursery. She is brilliant at supporting the children in Nursery and helping them to develop their skills. Mrs Wright is very creative and enjoys setting up imaginative role play areas for the children to develop their communication skills and learn about different roles in the community. Mrs Wright loves spending time with her family and friends. She likes to go on day trips to the beach and go for walks around our local area.


The Nursery curriculum is taken from Development Matters and is split into 6 topics to help cover all areas of learning. These topics are adapted to suit the children’s needs, and other activities are planned to follow the children’s interests. The topics for 2024/25 are on the PDF below. Nursery follow different schemes such as Dough Disco, Squiggle while you Wiggle and First Step to Phonics to support children in Literacy and take part in daily activities of Activate 5 and Just Dance to help develop large muscle movements. The activities in Nursery are planned to help the children learn and develop skills as the building blocks for achieving the Early Learning Goals at the end of Reception.


Our classroom is a very busy place where the children enjoy exploring the different areas and experimenting with resources and materials. The areas in Nursery include, the reading area, writing, maths, water, workshop, construction, sand/dough and the home area. As well as access to the continuous provision, children spend some time each day learning as a whole class and then in smaller groups or 1:1 to complete their activities. We display the children’s work so they can be proud of their achievements and use photos and speech bubbles to record their thoughts on our learning.


We use the rainbow in Nursery to award children for following the schools’ Golden Rules, being kind to their friends and trying hard with their work. Once children get 5 jumps they can choose a prize from our rainbow box and have the opportunity to move to our sunshine, which gives them a head start for the next day. We also celebrate children’s hard work and good behaviour with the ‘Golden Person,’ who takes our class bear, Teddy, home for the weekend. The children enjoy reading about what Teddy has been up to with his friends and looking at the pictures they have taken together.