P.E. Subject intent: At William Cassidi CE Primary, we intend that all children enjoy Physical Education. Through Physical Education we will develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities co-cooperatively and competitively. We aim to improve health and well-being, promote sustained active participation and lifelong learning and for each child to fulfil their potential. |
Early Years
In Nursery and Reception, our curriculum is based on the EYFS framework document and 'Development Matters’. It is taught through topics, which are adapted and developed to suit children’s interests. For Nursery children, we have identified key skills in each area for us to focus on, whilst in Reception we have identified skills to teach and develop during each half-term to progress towards meeting the Early Learning Goals.
PE aligns most closely with the EYFS area of:
Physical Development