Class 4 Classroom

Welcome to Year 4


Miss Raper and Mrs Lister work in Year Four. Miss Raper (who is our school SENDCO and Assistant Headteacher) teaches in Year Four Monday to Thursday. Mrs Lister teaches in Year Four on a Friday. When Miss Raper is not in school on a Friday she enjoys spending time with her two girls. Miss Raper can often be found standing on the sidelines of a football pitch each weekend. Mrs Lister enjoys travelling and has just recently visited Niagra Falls. 


Year Four is a very exciting year for pupils as their classroom is based in close proximity to Year Five and Year Six - the children have now 'reached' the opposite end of the school since starting their journey with us in Nursery/Reception.  The children will continue to access swimming in two week blocks and will work hard in Year Four preparing for their multiplication test, which will help them in all areas of Maths. 


In addition to accessing specialists for PE and French, the children will also receive Music lessons from a specialist from Tees Valley Music Service. This will help to further prepare the children for their transition into upper key stage two the following year. Further information regarding the topics covered in Year Four can be found in the information below.