Mathematics Subject intent: At William Cassidi, our Mathematics intent is to create a curriculum that is accessible to all abilities through a concrete-pictorial-abstract (C-P-A) approach that enables children to have a deeper understanding of mathematic concepts. We aim to ensure that this curriculum promotes enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning, gives opportunities daily for exploration and discussion ensuring that a key focus is on children’s vocabulary. We want to promote confidence and competence with numbers and the number system; develop the ability to solve problems through decision-making and for children to understand the reasons why mathematics is key in everyday life. We would like children to make firm connections across the different areas of maths and use their knowledge in other subjects. |
Early Years
In Nursery and Reception, our curriculum is based on the EYFS framework document and 'Development Matters’. It is taught through topics, which are adapted and developed to suit children’s interests. For Nursery children, we have identified key skills in each area for us to focus on, whilst in Reception we have identified skills to teach and develop during each half-term to progress towards meeting the Early Learning Goals.
Mathematics is one of the areas of the EYFS
In Reception, we use the Maths No Problem scheme which also use runs throughout KS1 and KS2. In Nursery, White Rose Maths is used to familiarise the children with models and images used in mathematics.